Learning Spanish

Learning Spanish with the help of Mexican telenovelas

If you’ve followed the advice in my last post of using Mexican telenovelas to help study Spanish, you might be interested in this find.

English language recaps of telenovelas

I’m trying different approaches with the closed captioning. For example, you might want to watch through once without captions on and see how much you can pick up. Then again with captions on.

Learning Spanish

Estoy Aprendiendo (I’m learning)

My attempts to learn Spanish have been going on for a long time now, yet my comprehension abilities are still very limited. In recent months, I’ve been back at it, and in the process I searched the net for useful resources.

  • A new podcast series of free Spanish lessons at is well worth checking out. The material is aimed at beginning students.
  • For an interesting discussion about the process of learning a language, check out this email list Language-Learning Yahoo Group. The published articles stop abruptly at #34, back in 2001. Still useful info though.
  • Another podcast series, this time not lessons but instead a discussion of the methods and resources useful for learning Spanish. Check out
  • One of the more useful tips I got from the Trying To Learn Spanish podcasts is to use Mexican “telenovelas” to improve my listening comprehension. Use your DVR to record these Spanish language soap operas from cable or satellite, and be sure to turn on the closed captioning feature of your TV during playback.